Welcome to Golfweek’s Best 2025 list of top resort golf courses in the United States.

The hundreds of members of our course-ratings panel continually evaluate courses and rate them based on our 10 criteria. They also file a single, overall rating on each course. Those overall ratings on each course are averaged to produce a final, cumulative rating. Then each course is ranked against other courses in the category.

This list focuses on the golf courses themselves, not the resorts as a whole or other amenities. Each golf course included is listed with its average rating from 1 to 10, its location, architect(s) and the year it opened.

T90. Juniper Preserve (Pronghorn Club-Nicklaus)

Average rating: 6.46

Location: Bend, Ore.

Designer(s): Jack Nicklaus

Year opened: 2004

Written by: Jason Lusk

Originally published: Jan. 14, 2025 | https://golfweek.usatoday.com/story/sports/golf/2025/01/14/best-200-resort-top-golf-courses-u-s/77584442007/


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